Be Proactive and deter and prevent Active Shooter and Workplace Violence!

Be Proactive and deter and prevent Active Shooter and Workplace Violence!
Workplace violence isn’t predictable. Discussing “What if” isn’t always easy, but it’s important.  If you found yourself in the middle of a situation with an active shooter, would you be prepared? Would your employees be able to quickly alert the authorities? What about exits or safe hiding locations? By being prepared you can save lives. Workplace violence doesn’t discriminate based on size. Whether your business is large or small, have a plan in place and be ready in the event that tragedy strikes.

Think about this: The average shooter incident lasts 12 minutes with 37% lasting less than 5 minutes. Every second is important. In the heat of the moment, there’s little time to contemplate. By the time the police arrive in 43% of the cases, the crime is over, while 57% of the time the shooting is still underway.  Nearly 87% of the time, the offender is a single shooter and 97% of the time, it’s primarily a male shooter.
What you can do: “Stranger Danger. That’s what we tell our kids, right? All visitors and non-employees should have a process by which they enter your facilities. Consider badge printing, ID proofing, check-in, check-out procedures, and visitor reporting. Visitors should have a legitimate reason for their presence. There should also be a limited number of entrances non-employees can access.
What if an unwanted intruder succeeds in accessing your facility? Here are some steps you can take to prepare for such an unfortunate event:
  • Install panic alarms that can instantly notify law enforcement of an emergency.
  • Install an integrated video system and access control system that can enable rapid building or zone lockdown.
  • Have an alert system in place to notify employees in other parts of the building via desktop, “Pop-Up” messages, PA systems, or strobe lights.
  • Practice active shooter drills with your employees on a consistent basis.
  • Be ProActive, Put in place a Security presence at your Business, Facility, Campus, Church, School or property.

At PATROL-911, Our security services are customized to meet the client’s needs; they are adapted to fit your building or environment and to adequately address potential security threats. A uniformed officer from MPS Security will be able to provide each of the following services:
  • The mere sight of our Officers and Patrol Units can help ward off potential threats. This is especially useful in shoplifting prevention. Indeed, studies show that uniformed security can help deter all kinds of crimes.
  • Observation and reporting. Our personnel will carefully watch the area and keep running reports of trends or activities that need to be addressed.
  • The foremost job of the Officer is being ready to take the correct actions during emergencies or in moments of crisis.
  • PATROL-911 Officers are trained to apprehend suspects who are causing security concerns.
  • Crisis management. Our security personnel will also be trained in keeping individuals calm during emergency situations, preventing the security threat from worsening.

Armed and Unarmed Guards, Officers, Agents, Off Duty Law Enforcement, Randomized Vehicle Patrols, Foot Patrols, Guard Shack Service, Access Control, Deter and detect Security Threats, Property Protection, Security Consultations, Fire Watch, Events, And much more!
PATROL-911 is a MARYLAND based provider of security officers and patrol services. We specialize in providing highly qualified security personnel to meet your organization's needs, and can also supply professional officers for special events or specific threats
Contact PATROL-911 Today!   267-772-8765
In Maryland, PATROL-911 is your Proactive crime solution. For more information Go to these links:



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