
Showing posts from August, 2019


DECOY SECURITY PATROL CARS   Decoy Security patrol cars are the new decoy police cars in this critical age and time. In large shopping centers from the south throughout the west(Now available in the Maryland Area), you will see a parked “Police like” Decoy Security cars parked in front of a major stores, Restaurant, Hotels, commercial and residential properties. There’s no Police Officer, Cops, or Security Agents around it or in it. So, why is it there? It’s deterrent. PATROL-911’s security patrol car program is one of the best and most effective visual criminal deterrents available on the market and tailored to our client's specific needs. Decoy patrol cars are not new on the security and law enforcement scene. In fact, experiments using this method of crime deterrence have been found to effective for quite some time with large studies in the last decade revealing that the appearance of security can cut crime rates in most locations. This new initiative has been...